Every child would agree that the best part of summer is the camp. Offered by schools and other institutions, there are numerous camps available for children of all ages. Some are even dedicated to learning about a specific sport, musical instrument, or other areas of interest. One may argue that vacations are a time to let loose and diverge from routines and schedules. However, children benefit from a certain degree of routine even during the holidays – especially if the routine involves days filled with activities, fun, and games with friends. It gives them the opportunity to learn new skills, make friendships, and productively spend their days, creating wonderful memories during their vacations.
Here Are Some Benefits of Summer Camp for Preschoolers:
1. Nurtures New Friendships
Children meet old friends and make new ones in the safe and playful environment provided at summer camp. They meet peers from diverse backgrounds, fostering an acceptance for diversity, and bond over similar interests that help them work on their social skills. Away from the routines they follow during regular school, here children engage in free play together, allowing their natural curiosity to guide them. Teamwork becomes one of the primary skills they learn at summer camp because no matter which activity they are engaged in, children are invariably put in groups and encouraged to work together as a team.
2. Outdoor Adventures for Children
Summer camps have a host of games and activities planned within the school or camp premises. However, occasional field trips and excursions are a highlight that adds excitement. The opportunity allows children to step out with friends, possibly for the first time, giving them something new to look forward to. These experiences are a wonderful way to foster skills such as interaction, independence, responsibility, teamwork, following instructions, and reinforcing experiential and contextual learning. It also helps enlarge a young child’s world, which is usually limited to the home and preschool environment.
3. Cultivates Lifelong Skills
Social and communication skills develop manifold during a child’s time at summer camp. While there are options for independent play, participating in group settings is predominant. Children develop decision-making skills, learn conflict resolution, and leadership qualities through various activities and games. Importantly, a sense of community is fostered where peers and teachers at summer camp become second family. An appreciation for individual differences is cultivated, so children learn to adjust and share.
4. Fosters Independence
Independent functioning is essential to develop a sense of identity. Children learn to become self-reliant while courageously exploring their strengths and weaknesses. Instead of continuously seeking advice and guidance from teachers or parents, children learn to trust their instincts, leading the way to becoming self-sufficient adults.
5. Encourages Connection with Nature
Nature stimulates all the senses. Children can see, touch, hear, smell, and sometimes even taste when they spend time outdoors. Sensory stimulation makes experiences richer and more fulfilling, which is why time spent in Nature uplifts the mood, promotes emotional well-being, and positive mental health. Outdoor time encourages children to move, promoting physical wellness. Children also get their doze of Vitamin D when they spend time out in the sun. Nature stimulates a child’s curiosity, instils calm, and generates happiness.
6. Builds Confidence
By learning to do things by themselves, children develop confidence. If they master a skill, their self-esteem increases. Summer camps also introduce children to competitive environments, giving them a taste of sportsmanship and competitive spirit. Confidence is built by taking action and earning results, which increases self-esteem and the ability to undertake bigger challenges. Children learn to value themselves through their hard work and capabilities.
7. Provides Intellectual & Physical Stimulation
Parents are often concerned that children might get sluggish during the long vacation when school isn’t there to intellectually stimulate them. However, there is plenty to do and learn even when school is off. For instance, art and craft activities at summer camp strengthen fine motor skills and creativity; outdoor games develop physical stamina, visualization, and response timing; team activities cultivate interpersonal skills and critical thinking; reading can be huge intellectual boost where children engage their imagination and develop language skills.
8. Promotes Healthy Living
Summer camps promote a love for the outdoors. Children remain physically active, which directly impacts their mental well-being and provides an overall sense of happiness. Expending energy positively in various activities promotes good sleep, which is vital for child development. It also stimulates their appetite, which gives adults the opportunity to inculcate healthy and mindful eating practices.
Summer camps are not only a fantastic way to keep children busy while having fun but also allow parents to continue with their routine. Let’s be honest, parents rarely receive the length of vacation that children do, and they need to carry on with their work and duties even when children have their holidays.
Let’s take a quick look at how parents benefit from enrolling children at summer camp:
Summer camps keep children actively engaged, so parents can rest in the knowledge that their children are active, happy, and learning.
It allows parents to continue with their day whether it may be going to work or focus on other duties.
Parents also benefit from the much-needed break from having their toddlers or preschoolers at home, which can be quite a task during the holiday season.
Parents who have the time will have the opportunity to cultivate new interests such as attending a class or joining a course.
Having their children cared for in a safe environment provides immense peace of mind to parents.
Children are saved from excessive screen time, which would be challenging to control if they spent the entire summer at home.
Early child development focuses on all-rounded growth, which relies on continuity in learning and introduction to a variety of new concepts. At Dibber, the Young Explorers Camp combines the spirit of play with the joy of learning. Summer camps focus on cultivation of “active skills,” and children may not be exposed to so many activities during the regular school year. The interests they develop at summer camp may lead the way to the development of permanent hobbies or projects in future.